What platform is used for online class?
Studio Pas de Chat uses Zoom for group classes. Zoom links will be sent out upon registration.
Private lessons are generally conducted over Zoom, but can be conducted over FaceTime or Skype if needed.
Do I need to have my video on to take class?
Yes, to participate in class you should have your video on. Studio Pas de Chat my allow students to participate in class without their video on under special circumstances relating to privacy, safety and low internet bandwidth. Virtual backgrounds are not allowed.
Can I ask questions during class?
Yes, please ask questions during class as needed. Otherwise, participants are asked to mute their microphones to limit sound feedback while dancing.
What should I wear for online class?
Most dancers choose to wear the traditional ballet attire, however, you may wear anything that you feel comfortable dancing in. Alternative attire must allow for freedom of movement while covering the body appropriately and providing support. Please dress considerately - as you would if you were attending an in person dance class.
How should I set up my dance space for online class?
Space requiremetns: Ideally you should find a space where you can move in an unrestricted manor. You will get the most out of class if you have a clear space where you are not worried about bumping into furniture. Be sure to check for overhead fixtures like ceiling fans.
Flooring: Carpet and wood floors are suitable flooring for ballet class. Tile, brick and concrete floors should be avoided if possible because they are too hard, which can lead to injury. Some dancers choose to purchase a dance practice pad, portable floor squares, or plywood sub-floor to put over concrete, brick or tile floors to use as a dance surface. Please contact the studio if you would like advice on flooring.
Ballet barre: You may choose to purchase a ballet barre or use a sturdy chair, table, or counter top, etc. as a barre. Ideally barre height is about 4 inches higher than your waist.
Computer/tablet setup: For ballet classes, please set up your computer/tablet so that your whole body is visible (arms raised overhead standing on demi-pointe, or pointe).
Lighting: Avoid being back-lit if possible. The more light the better.